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Walking Through Winter:
Journeying Through Loss

Tuesday 14th - Friday 17th January 2025
Ashburnham Place, Battle

Just as winter comes each year, we will all encounter spiritual winters of loss. These seasons come with so many questions. Who is God? How is God at work in this season? Who am I? What’s the meaning and purpose of life?

For many of us we find ourselves enduring winter seasons, desperately looking for any sign of spring, or trying to force spring ourselves. But, if we can embrace winter and ‘get out into it’, we will discover there is real beauty to be found even in the bleakest of winters.

During this retreat we will reflect on our images of God and ourselves, and how these impact our journey through winter. We’ll explore how spiritual practices such as lament, the Examen, and journeying with others can help us ‘brave the elements’ of winter to authentically journey with God, through the depths of winter, experiencing the warmth of His loving presence, whilst holding on to the promise that spring will come.

Weather dependent, participants will be encouraged to spend time out in the beautiful grounds of Ashburham Place, so please come prepared, as has been famously said, ‘there is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing!’

We’ll also be putting into practice the Danish art of Hygge. So, expect lots of cake, candles, and crackling fires with plenty of time to get cosy, rest and reflect. Informal spiritual accompaniment will also be available.

I attended a led retreat with Katherine on Living in a Liminal Space and I can say without a doubt it was the best led retreat I have ever attended.  I have done many retreats over the years but Katherines for a number of reasons impacted me the most.  It was well led with plenty beautiful illustrations, poems, space to think and journal.  The whole day flowed so well.  There was no pressure to do anything just an overwhelming sense of peace.  If you ever get the chance to go to an event which Katherine is leading I can assure you you will be blessed greatly.


I cannot thank Katherine enough for leading me gently into the world of liminal spaces – I must admit I did not really understand what liminal spaces were before the quiet day. In between spaces as Katherine explained can be negative or positive. I was gently led into positive and more challenging liminal spaces. I used the beautiful gardens at St Katherine’s including when it was pouring of rain and that was significant for me and various poems and activities which Katherine invited us to use. Thank you so much.


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    Spring bluebells artwork used with kind permission of Sam Thulin.